

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

please find driving directions here

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm

Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)
Lara Nahrwold (Tuesday to Thursday) – nahrwold(at)
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)


General Information Participation Information

Hessen Talents 2024 at the 74. Berlinale

15 Hessian graduation and semester films will be presented this year at the Berlinale in the cross-university program HESSEN TALENTS that reflects the production diversity of the four film-making universities of the hFMA network in Darmstadt, Kassel, Offenbach and Wiesbaden.

can be seen on the following platforms:
Background information on all films can be...

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15 Hessian graduation and semester films will be presented this year at the Berlinale in the cross-university program HESSEN TALENTS that reflects the production diversity of the four film-making universities of the hFMA network in Darmstadt, Kassel, Offenbach and Wiesbaden.


can be seen on the following platforms:

Background information on all films can be found in the Hessen Talents brochure.


From Offenbach University of Art and Design

  • The Life Not Lived (10:15) by Veve Kiselev
  • Bow and Arrow (06:12) by Savvy Sun

From Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

  • Renting is Spooky (02:50) by Katharina Fohrmann
  • Swim and Float (16:29) by Janina Lutter
  • Petrushka (02:44) by Ulrich Stöcker

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

  • Nova & Charlie (19:59) by Theresa Philine Kramer
  • Exhilaration (06:47) by Max Stauffer
  • BIRD (03:00) by Kristin Garrelts
  • Work in Transition (57:00) by Emiliano Proietti

From Kunsthochschule Kassel

  • Mechanical Resonance (04:13) by Juejun Chen
  • Yellow Rectangle (05:56) by Janis Schmidt
  • Staring (05:42) by Xiaoxuan Yu, Tianshu Yang
  • On the fragrance of red beets and the people who live forever (12:29) by Petra Stipetić, Maren Wiese
  • Yellow Cards & Purple Overalls – Found Pieces of the Borken Women’s Movement (05:52) by Paula Berger
  • The Ship of Theseus (16:00) by Thanh-Giang Nguyen

For press photos (film stills & portraits of the filmmakers) click here

Hessen Talents was presented for the first time in 2010 at the European Film Market (EFM) of the Berlinale and has since then been not only a distinction and a key step in the direction of the international film industry for participating students, but also a presence of the hFMA network extending well beyond the borders of Hesse. The former Managing Director of the hFMA, Anja Henningsmeyer, was not only involved from the very start in establishing and developing this format but was also centrally active in its organisational realisation. We thank her sincerely for her years of dedication! The now 15th edition of the project continues along the proven path but also introduces an expansion of the content.

The year, the programme will for the first time be complemented by an intensively accompanied excursion to the Berlinale. Together with professors from the filmmaking universities in Hessen in Darmstadt, Kassel, Offenbach and Wiesbaden, the talents will also visit film screenings and events in all sections of the major German film festival in addition to the EFM. The participants will reflect on that seen and learned as well as on the various facets of the film sector, from the film industry to film culture, in daily exchanges of ideas.   

More information about the programm and master classes in berlin – see below.
The kick-off will take place on 16.2. at 6 pm. Further mini-masterclasses from 17.2. to 24.2., probably from 10am to 12 noon.

Borjana Gaković, Project Manager of Hessen Talents 2024
Prof. Tilmann Kohlhaase, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences; Prof. Angelika Levi, University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main; Prof. Jan Peters, Kunsthochschule Kassel; Prof. Tom Schreiber, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden

The HESSEN TALENTS program is selected annually by the professional audience at the Hessian University Film Day and the professors of the film-making universities. The HESSEN TALENTS are financed and organized by the hFMA with the support of the Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture.

