

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 830 460 41

please find driving directions here

Member of the Steering Committee
Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Project managers:
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (Monday to Wednesday) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm


Profis Plaudern Praxis XV / Praxis Dokfest 2023

The Right Film in the Right Spot – Placement, Distribution and Marketing for Film and Media Productions
Film markets are exclusive spaces during film festivals that young film and media professionals have little idea of at the beginning of their professional careers. Among other things, filmmakers, producers, distributors, and sponsors meet there, projects are presented, pitched, and traded. It...

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The Right Film in the Right Spot – Placement, Distribution and Marketing for Film and Media Productions

Film markets are exclusive spaces during film festivals that young film and media professionals have little idea of at the beginning of their professional careers. Among other things, filmmakers, producers, distributors, and sponsors meet there, projects are presented, pitched, and traded. It is the place where the industrial side of the sector accumulates.

Knowledge of film markets and festivals seems to be a blind spot that needs to be examined – in terms of relevance to one's own work. At the latest at the end of a film and media-related course of study, the question after how to earn money with one's own works or skills arises. Reflecting this in connection to the importance of film markets is the claim of Profis Plaudern Praxis XV.

The event aimed to give access to the mystery that is film markets and film festivals and to classify its potential. Speakers from various fields shared their unique assessments of what is happening in a film market, how it works, for whom and when it is worthwhile to participate, and what forms of participation are possible. 

Profis Plaudern Praxis XV took place as a hybrid event:

On site:

  • At the day of the event, four short lectures showed different perspectives on this year's topic
  • Afterwards, individual queries were addressed in a moderated panel discussion and subsequent one-on-one conversations 


  • Pre-recorded interviews were available at DokfestChannels online for free from November 1st 
  • Some of the one-on-one conversations took place online via Zoom

Speakers and experts for one-on-one conversations:

Jutta Wille / AG Kurzfilm

Jutta Wille was a production manager for various film productions. In 2003, she started working for the German Short Film Association as a project coordinator (including German Short Films catalogue; film markets in Clermont-Ferrand and Annecy) and has been Managing Director since 2013. Besides, she has been a regular member of various festival juries and selection committees and has been active for Filmfest Dresden since 2002.
The German Short Film Association (AG Kurzfilm) is the nationwide interest group for German short film. Members of this umbrella organization are film festivals, film and art schools, short film distributors as well as institutions of the film and cinema industry. The aim is to improve the public perception of German short films at home and abroad as well as the conditions for short film in terms of production and exploitation. The association sees itself as a service point for filmmakers and producers of short films as well as for the cultural and film industry, cinemas and film festivals, and politics.
With Shorts We’re Here for The Long Haul!
We consider short film as an independent and innovative medium, as a form of artistic expression and as a field of experimentation also for established filmmakers. Among others, the lecture addressed the following questions: How can the German Short Film Association support filmmakers? How can you organize your festival submissions?

Dascha Petuchow / Plotlessfilm

Dascha Petuchow completed her studies in the field of communication design at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. Since graduation, she has been involved in the Hessian film scene in a variety of ways. In 2021, she co-founded the production company Plotlessfilm in Wiesbaden.
As a young Hessian production company, Plotlessfilm focuses on the intersection between entertaining genre film and artistic arthouse. As an independent platform, we offer a contact point for the development and production of sophisticated documentaries and feature films as well as series formats. With the mixture of young talent and experience, we develop and produce stories step by step in and out of Hesse.
Short Films, Big Opportunities: Festival Strategies and Chances of Exploitation
The short film is done. Now what? Whether as a starting point for larger cinematic projects or as a contribution to the art form of short film, there is no way around film festivals. But there are thousands of them, and each short film requires an individual submission strategy. How do you develop them and what happens to the film after the festival career? Speaking from a perspective as filmmaker and producer, Dascha Petuchow pointed out the most important aspects of the process.

Johanna Dathe / European Film Market

Johanna Dathe is a Sales Manager at the European Film Market (EFM). She advises international exhibitors in regard to stand and contract set-up as well as registration matters. In addition, she offers guided tours over the EFM to film and media students to give a practical insight into the market. For several years, she has also worked in film production.
The European Film Market (EFM) is one of the top three meeting places of the international film and media industry. Its close links with the Berlinale as a public film festival, and its position at the heart of Berlin’s vivid creative economy, are defining characteristics of Berlinale’s film market. Yet the EFM is more than just an agile marketplace for trading film and audiovisual content – it has also positioned itself as a platform for innovation and change.
Marketing Possibilities at the EFM
How does the EFM work and which possibilities of participation are possible especially in regard to screening requests? Which advantages does a market stand offer? Which participant groups are in focus? These and further topics were the subject of Johanna Dathe’s presentation.

Jakob Zapf / Neopol Film

With Neopol Film, Jakob Zapf produces films and series in all genres and formats: TV and cinema, off- and online, documentary and fiction. His debut “A Handful of Water” with Jürgen Prochnow and Pegah Ferydoni was screened and awarded at festivals worldwide and was released in German cinemas in 2021.
Neopol Film
is based in Frankfurt. Their vision is to shed a spotlight on society's normality and weirdness, edginess, and fragility. Their medium is film, their way is compelling stories that make you laugh and cry. Stories can transcend borders and they believe in the power of collaborative work. They develop projects in close collaboration with international partners. Their projects range from independent features, series, and other fictional content to stand-alone and serial documentaries. 
Actually, What Are Film Markets and What Do They Do?
A short introduction to a world behind film: How do professional projects come about? How do films find their audience? Even among film professionals, only a few people know about this world of film markets and special industry sectors at festivals. They are used for sales, but also for the initiation of new projects. They are particularly interesting for networking, market overview and continued education.

The lectures and one-on-one conversations are primarily addressed to students from the network of the Hessian Film and Media Academy (hFMA) and the participants of the 14th Hessian University Film Day. Other interested parties are welcome to join as well.

Profis Plaudern Praxis XV / Praxis Dokfest 2023 takes place as part of the 40th Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival (14.-26.11.2023).

Since 2010, the series Profis Plaudern Praxis has been held as a cooperation of Kasseler Dokfest and hFMA. The section considers itself as a platform for further education of film and media professionals. In lectures and workshops, experts share profound practical knowledge and discuss new developments in the industry.
