Achtung, veränderte Öffnungszeiten! Alle Veranstaltungen ab Dezember 2022 beginnen um 20 Uhr!
der „Lecture & Film“-Reihe Kino am Abgrund der Moderne führen
namhafte Expert:innen aus Europa und den USA in die vielfältigen
Facetten von Buñuels Werk ein.
Termin: Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023, 20 Uhr im Kino des DFF
Film: CET OBSCUR OBJET DU DÉSIR, Frankreich/Spanien 1977, 103 Min.
Lecture: Arnaud Duprat (Rennes), Conchita in Cet obscur objet du désir: A Heroine of Testamentary Dimensions?Vortrag in französischer Sprache mit Übersetzung
lecture will reflect on Buñuel’s last film, CET OBSCUR OBJET DU DÉSIR
(1977), with an emphasis on its testamentary dimension. After some
remarks on the adaptation of Pierre Louÿs’ novel, La femme et le pantin
(1898), that Buñuel wrote with Jean-Claude Carrière in the mid-1970s, we
will focus on the creation of the heroine Conchita. Triply incarnated
(by Carole Bouquet and Ángela Molina on the screen, and Florence
Giorgetti on the soundtrack), this female character oscillates between a
cartoonish vision of a hot-tempered Spanish woman and the embodiment of
ideological values recalling certain surrealist principles. This return
to the founding movement of Luis Buñuel’s art – at times in a disabused
manner, with its representation of a society where scandal is no longer
possible – will allow us to envisage CET OBSCUR OBJET DU DÉSIR, through
the prism of its heroine, as a testamentary work. Thanks to the enigma
surrounding Conchita, Buñuel leads to spectator to seek out the truth in
a film where an abundance of symbols serve not to clarify the plot but
instead to explode meaning in a typically surrealist manner.
Arnaud Duprat
is associate professor at the Université Rennes 2. He is the author of
the book Le dernier Buñuel and is preparing a book on the links between
Buñuel and French cinema.