

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 830 460 41

please find driving directions here

Managing director
Lucie Peetz – peetz(at)

Project managers:
Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm


General Information Participation Information

Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI / Praxis Dokfest 2024

Finding Truth and the Creative Process: Investigative Strategies in Film and Media Production

An excerpt of reality can be found in every fictional or non-fictional work, and investigative research leads to a credible and differentiated result in film and media production. An intensive examination of the subject, which includes both thematic and formal exploration, is a fundamental part of any...

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Finding Truth and the Creative Process: Investigative Strategies in Film and Media Production

An excerpt of reality can be found in every fictional or non-fictional work, and investigative research leads to a credible and differentiated result in film and media production. An intensive examination of the subject, which includes both thematic and formal exploration, is a fundamental part of any artistic development. The processing of a material in a documentary is different from that in a fiction film, an installation, or a podcast. The approaches differ depending on the medium and subject and their respective combinations. What they all have in common is a well-founded preoccupation with the relationship between expressive possibilities and content. What is to be depicted or shown is always in proportion to the way it is shown. Strategies are used with the aim to form artistic truth.

With this year's topic of Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI, we would like to tackle the question of the relationship between the creative process and finding truth and shed light on investigative strategies in film and media production. Established professionals from the fields of production, research, consulting and directing assist young talents in finding the right approach to their artistic project and in assessing what is necessary to produce credible work.

Four short lectures open different perspectives on the balancing act between finding the truth and the creative process in film and media production. Afterwards, individual queries can be addressed in a moderated panel discussion and one-on-one conversations, taking place at the media project center Offener Kanal in Kassel or via Zoom.

The lectures and one-on-one conversations are primarily addressed to students from the network of the Hessian Film and Media Academy (hFMA) and the participants of the 15th Hessian University Film Day. Other interested persons are welcome to join, as well. Language: German. Language one-on one-conversations: German / English.

Since 2010, the series Profis Plaudern Plaudern Praxis has been held in cooperation with the hFMA. The section considers itself as a platform for further education of film and media professionals. In lectures and workshops, experts share profound practical knowledge and discuss new developments in the industry.

Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI takes place as a hybrid event. Interviews will be broadcasted as a DokfestChannel for free at from November 1.

The panel discussion takes place on site at the media project center Offener Kanal, Kulturbahnhof Kassel. The subsequent one-on-one counselling sessions are taking place in two events as Block I on site and Block II online by appointment via Zoom. Projects must be provided beforehand. A short notice participation on site is possible if places are available.

Free registration for one-on-one conversations until November 14 via Anna Bell:


FRIDAY 15.11. | 11:00 – 17:30
11:00 – 12:30
Presentations of the speakers at the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal in Kassel
11:00 Nicolas Gebbe
11:20 Antje Behr
11:40 Iryna Riabenka
12:00 Khesrau Behroz
12:30 – 13:15 Moderated panel discussion
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch break
14:15 – 16:15 One-on-one conversations on site
16:30 – 17:30 One-on-one conversations via Zoom

Speakers and experts for one-on-one conversations

Nicolas Gebbe

Nicolas Gebbe is a 3D artist, filmmaker, and sound-designer born 1986 in London, currently working in Frankfurt am Main / Germany. 2018 he received his art diploma at Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach with a film major. He focuses on experimental 3D animation and hybrid film formats.

Experiment, play, search, find
A lecture about playfully developing your own visual ideas and implementing them. How do I find my personal, honest expression? Where do experimentation, intuition and concept meet? What role do structure and system play in playful search? An insight into how intuitive experimentation can be the fruitful basis for transporting emotional content and how letting go can give rise to new creative power.

Antje Behr

Antje Behr studied audiovisual media in Berlin and Jerusalem. She is currently a master's student at the Film University Potsdam Babelsberg and lectures at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. She makes documentaries and reports. Researches, writes, directs, and has a heart for science, psychology, and good food.

The „perfect“ protagonist
The television format of the public broadcasters is characterized by content, visual and structural specifications of the respective broadcasting slot. Authors are encouraged to comply with the sometimes very explicit editorial requests. The research for the "perfect" protagonist usually takes much more time than the actual filming. Where and how do you find these people?

Iryna Riabenka

Iryna Riabenka has worked as a television journalist, investigative reporter and filmmaker for various broadcasters, including SWR, BR and DW. She graduated from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover with a Master's degree in television journalism and documentary film. Her directorial debut "The Bright Path" was nominated and awarded at festivals worldwide.

"The Bright Path": Uncovering Truth Through Poetic Documentary
"The Bright Path" is an essay film that shows the fate of Ukrainian journalist Stanislav Aseyev and investigates Russian torture in Donbas. But how to reveal the truth without showing the pictures from the torture prison? The poetic form of documentary storytelling could be the answer. Through powerful, essayistic images and words, the film draws the viewer into a reality that does not need explicit footage to make the cruelty and depth of events tangible.

Khesrau Behroz

Khesrau Behroz is host, author and producer of podcasts that have been listened to millions of times, such as "Cui Bono: WTF happened to Ken Jebsen?", "Legion: Hacking Anonymous" and "SchwarzRotGold: Mesut Özil zu Gast bei Freunden". For his work, he has been awarded the Grimme Online Award, the German Reporter Award, the German Podcast Award and the Award for Pop Culture. He is co-founder and managing director of the Berlin production company Undone.

What it takes to recognize a good story
Khesrau Behroz talks about his work as a producer, author, and host: From the idea to the release, each production of documentary podcasts such as "Cui Bono", "Legion" or "SchwarzRotGold: Mesut Özil zu Gast bei Freunden" takes about a year – in between there are hundreds of decisions about research, dramaturgy, sound design and distribution. Behroz talks about these decisions – and what it takes to recognize a good story.


Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI / Praxis Dokfest 2024

Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI takes place as a hybrid event. Interviews will be broadcasted as a DokfestChannel for free at from November 1.
The panel discussion takes place on site at the media project center Offener Kanal, Kulturbahnhof Kassel. The subsequent one-on-one counselling sessions are taking place in two events as Block I on site and Block II online by...

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Profis Plaudern Praxis XVI takes place as a hybrid event. Interviews will be broadcasted as a DokfestChannel for free at from November 1.

The panel discussion takes place on site at the media project center Offener Kanal, Kulturbahnhof Kassel. The subsequent one-on-one counselling sessions are taking place in two events as Block I on site and Block II online by appointment via Zoom. Projects must be provided beforehand. A short notice participation on site is possible if places are available.

Free registration for one-on-one conversations until November 14 via Anna Bell:

The lectures and one-on-one conversations are primarily addressed to students from the network of the Hessian Film and Media Academy (hFMA) and the participants of the 15th Hessian University Film Day. Other interested persons are welcome to join, as well. Language: German. Language one-on one-conversations: German / English.
