

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 830 460 41

please find driving directions here

Member of the Steering Committee
Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Project managers:
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (Monday to Wednesday) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm


Film, Competition

Call for Entries: Young Director Award - für junge Filmschaffende

The Young Director Award has supported and promoted debuting international creative talent in commercial film production since 1998.
The YDA is the only award specifically dedicated to beginners. As a result, the award has become a pioneer breaking ground for directors using new technologies and progressive techniques. The Young Director Award is recognized as the most important fringe event of...

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The Young Director Award has supported and promoted debuting international creative talent in commercial film production since 1998.

The YDA is the only award specifically dedicated to beginners. As a result, the award has become a pioneer breaking ground for directors using new technologies and progressive techniques. The Young Director Award is recognized as the most important fringe event of the Cannes Lions, attracting over 400 participants and over 900 spectators every year. This gives considerable exposure to the winning directors.

Bewerbungsschluss: April 2014

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Website.
