

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 830 460 41

please find driving directions here

Member of the Steering Committee
Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Project managers:
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (Monday to Wednesday) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm


Film, Competition

Call for Entries: Experimental Dance Film Festival in 360° FullDome

Shortcuts is looking for videos, who look at dance through the new medium of 3-dimensional/spherical cinematography. Dance and an experimental approach should be at the center of the work. Focal point of interest should be real filmed scenes and not computer generated and/or animated film sequences.
All works of film are slated for presentation in the 360° full dome, a singular presentation...

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Shortcuts is looking for videos, who look at dance through the new medium of 3-dimensional/spherical cinematography. Dance and an experimental approach should be at the center of the work. Focal point of interest should be real filmed scenes and not computer generated and/or animated film sequences.

All works of film are slated for presentation in the 360° full dome, a singular presentation space which allows for a total immersion into the time and space of the film. Presented by Gall Pharma Austria.

CATEGORIES | Filmcut 1 minute | Filmcut up to 7 minutes

DATE | TIME | PLACE |  Applications till May 28, 2014 | Submission of works till June 15, 2014  |
Presentation and Awards during Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt and Internationales Tanztheaterfestival Graz, July 5-10 2014, Joanneumsviertel, Graz, Austria

AWARDS | Best over all EUR 3.000,-- | awards in further categries 

All information about the submission process can be found on the website and in the attached PDFs

