

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 830 460 41

please find driving directions here

Member of the Steering Committee
Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Project managers:
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (Monday to Wednesday) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm


Workshop / Seminar

Call for Applications: EAST–WEST TALENT LAB - goEast

The EAST–WEST TALENT LAB is an innovative young professionals’ programme at goEast. Focusing on the transfer of knowledge, creativity and project ideas, the programme intends to forge links between young filmmakers, artists, and film and media students from Germany (with an emphasis on the Rhine-Main region) and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
A broad range of workshops and master...

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The EAST–WEST TALENT LAB is an innovative young professionals’ programme at goEast. Focusing on the transfer of knowledge, creativity and project ideas, the programme intends to forge links between young filmmakers, artists, and film and media students from Germany (with an emphasis on the Rhine-Main region) and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

A broad range of workshops and master classes given by experts impart crucial core competences and offer profound knowledge both of the film industry as well as the production of experimental films and video art  outside established industry mechanisms and economics. Essential topics are the basics of European co-productions and the process of successful pitching as well as the limits and intersections of short film, experimental film and video art. Representatives of national film and video-art funding institutions from Central Europe will furnish information about their subsidy structures and opportunities of financial support.
Mentors advise the participants on developing their own projects. The participants will be invited to pitch their projects in front of a specialized jury and then receive direct feedback. The best pitch will receive a project development prize.


The EAST–WEST TALENT LAB addresses students and graduates of directing and producing as well as young filmmakers and artists from Germany and Eastern Europe (excluding Turkey and Greece). Up to 30 places are available each year. Filmmakers and video artists presenting their work within the goEast Experimental Film and Video Art Competition will be admitted to the EAST–WEST TALENT LAB automatically.
Directors must submit a project idea that is not yet in production. Applicants must be aged between 18 and 35. English will be the language of communication at the EAST–WEST TALENT LAB. 


  • the completed application form
  • CV and filmography
  • a description of the project idea (no longer than one page)
  • a reference film on DVD or via web link


The deadline for applications is 18 Feb 2014 (date of postmark or e-mail). An independent commission will select the participants in the EAST–WEST TALENT LAB. Applicants will be notified of the decision by the beginning of March 2014. Those selected to participate in the EAST–WEST TALENT LAB (10–15 April 2014) will be invited to attend the 14th goEast film festival (9–15 April 2014) in Wiesbaden. Travel, meal and accommodation expenses will be covered by goEast.


goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film
T: +49-611-236 843-0
F: +49-611-236 843-49

All information can be found in the application form which is attached and on the Website.

