

Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
address: Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.Fl
63065 Offenbach am Main

please find driving directions here

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday 10am - 4:30pm

Csongor Dobrotka (Wednesday) – dobrotka(at)
Lara Nahrwold (Tuesday to Thursday) – nahrwold(at)
Celina Schimmer (Monday to Wednesday) – schimmer(at)


Hochschule Darmstadt – Tagung Ex\\Immersio V: „Is there love in the immersive embrace?“

Ex\\Immersio has been a series of conferences since 2020, which aims to brush against the grain: Its name expresses a figure of thought, that pursues a critical artistic and intellectual discourse on the popular term of “immersion”, scrutinizing this ubiquitous and overused term. By questioning and analyzing its axioms and implicit assumptions, Ex\\Immersio strives for critical artistic and...

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Ex\\Immersio has been a series of conferences since 2020, which aims to brush against the grain: Its name expresses a figure of thought, that pursues a critical artistic and intellectual discourse on the popular term of “immersion”, scrutinizing this ubiquitous and overused term. By questioning and analyzing its axioms and implicit assumptions, Ex\\Immersio strives for critical artistic and philosophical positions, and different, maybe innovative reception paradigms.

In this year’s Ex\\Immersio, European experts involved in the creation of e.g. 360°-film, 3D-Audio, Augmented and Virtual Reality meet for the 5th time. The upcoming conference’s edition puts an emphasis on the question of the immersive environment’s relation to visitors and audiences: Does immersion necessarily imply more inclusion for the audiences? And, if yes, why and how? In which way can immersion fulfill the individual’s age old wish of being not only the “enduring” recipient, but an equal partner in what is shown and performed? Are immersive experiences more “friendly” to its audiences than the frontal ones, as they have the recipients counted in from the beginning, not just conceiving them as the ones to receive, but to partake? And, is immersion really an appropriate term to describe the experience of “being in”.

Termin und Ort:

30.6.2023 13:30 Uhr / 1.7.2023 16:00 Uhr
Rathaus der Stadt Dieburg sowie Media Experience Lab des Forschungszentrums dkmi/Mediencampus Dieburg

Die Tagung findet in englischer Sprache statt.

An beiden Abenden werden von 17-20 Uhr preisgekrönte 360°-Filme des Masterstudiengangs International Media Cultural Work/h_da vorgeführt.
Wo? Im Dome-Zelt (Park Museum Schloss Fechenbach)

In diesem Rahmen lassen sich auch die Medienkunstausstellung „Gemeinsam zusammen“ im Museum Schloss Fechenbach sowie der Pop-up Media Store in der Zuckerstr. 43, Dieburg, besuchen.

Voranmeldung gerne unter: Fachbereich MD - Kulturforschung

Alle Informationen zum Programm und der Veranstaltung gibt es auf der Webseite und im angehängten PDF.

