since 09/2010
Professor at TH Mittelhessen, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Sciences
Doctorate from the University of Rostock: Intuitive Interaction Using Video-based Gesture Recognition
Lecturer for computer graphics and computer sciences at University of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Germany and scientific researcher at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), Germany.
Scientific researcher at the Computer Graphics Center ZGDV e.V. Darmstadt and visiting lecturer for computer graphics at University of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Germany
Diploma thesis "Evaluation of Active Shape Models for Gesture Recognition"
(Diploma Award 2000)
Studies of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Germany
TH Mittelhessen
Fachbereich MND
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 13
61169 Friedberg
E-Mail Prof. Dr. Cornelius Malerczyk