

hessische Film- und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.OG
63065 Offenbach am Main

069 830 460 41

Anfahrtsbeschreibung hier

Sie erreichen uns montags bis donnerstags von 10 bis 16:30 Uhr.

Lucie Peetz – peetz(at)

Csongor Dobrotka (mittwochs) – dobrotka(at)
Lara Nahrwold (dienstags bis donnerstags) – nahrwold(at)
Celina Schimmer (montags bis mittwochs) – schimmer(at)

Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer

Hochschule Fulda

hFMA Präsidiumsmitglied seit 2024

hFMA Vorstandsmitglied seit 2019

At an early age Christian began to experiment with acoustic and electronic instruments, computers and video while looking for alternative ways to connect image and sound.

After his apprenticeship he worked as a professional photographer for several years. Later he studied Media Design at Bauhaus University and Electro Acoustic Composition at Academy of Music Franz Liszt in Weimar.

Christian holds a PhD in composition from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater. Since 2006 he lectured at several academies in Germany, Egypt and Estonia and was head of the Media Design Department of the German University in Cairo.

His interdisciplinary work covers composition, audio installation, multi media, video, photography, teaching and writing.

Since 2007 he is co-director of the Formula Mundi Film Festival.

In fall 2018 he was appointed professor for Digital Media at the department of applied computer science, Academy of Applied Sciences in Fulda, Germany.


Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Gebäude E (46), Raum 138
Leipziger Straße 123
36037 Fulda, Germany

E-Mail an Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer

