

hessische Film- und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.OG
63065 Offenbach am Main

069 830 460 41

Anfahrtsbeschreibung hier

Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Celina Schimmer (montags bis mittwochs) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (montags bis mittwochs) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (mittwochs) – dobrotka(at)

Sie erreichen uns montags bis donnerstags von 10 bis 16:30 Uhr.


Ausstellung, Event


Prof. Rotraut Pape of the HfG Offenbach invities all interested visitors to take part in the opening of thexe exhibition for "FRIGO GENERATION 78-90". A look back at 10 years of vision and unparalleled energy: in the 1980s FRIGO was one of the most emblematic of Europe’s alternative culture groups. Lyon was the hub of this artistic effervescence.

The FRIGO Collective got their name from the...

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Prof. Rotraut Pape of the HfG Offenbach invities all interested visitors to take part in the opening of thexe exhibition for "FRIGO GENERATION 78-90". A look back at 10 years of vision and unparalleled energy: in the 1980s FRIGO was one of the most emblematic of Europe’s alternative culture groups. Lyon was the hub of this artistic effervescence.

The FRIGO Collective got their name from the cold room of the former Lyon cheese factory that hosted their activities in the 1980s. For 10 years, FRIGO boasted an intense artistic production across all fields: free radio (Bellevue 95.8), music, scenography, graphic design, installation and performance art, exhibitions, photography...

The Vernisage takes place at:

07.03.2017, MAC musée d´art contemporain, LYON
The exhibition goes on til the 09.07.2017.

FRIGO exhibited a hundred cubic metres of water at the Centre Pompidou, succeeded in closing the Musée d’Art Moderne following a performance, launched a pirate TV station, refashioned TF1’s TV studios, wrote an obituary for the Théâtre National Populaire, rolled a stone weighing five tonnes to India, invited Michael Nyman to perform a private concert on-site; filmed Hermann Nitsch and Paul McCarthy, enjoyed Potlatch in Hamburg, and attended Documenta 8 and Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria. The collective ceased their activity in about 1989, around the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the inauguration of the Magiciens de la terre exhibition in Paris.

This fantastic true story can be discovered from the 8 March to the 9 July 2017 at the mac LYON.
A laboratory embracing a plurality of forms and disciplines, FRIGO was also at the origin of a very active international network bringing together visual artists, choreographers, poets, actors, writers and musicians, including ORLAN, Régine Chopinot, Benni Efrat, Mike Hentz, Dieter Appelt, Fabrizio Plessi, Marie-Christine Vernay...

All information can be found on the website.
