INTED 2010 will be held in Valencia (Spain), next 8th, 9th and 10th of March 2010.
The 4th annual edition of INTED will bring together professionals in the field of Education, Development, Science and Technology. It will be an excellent opportunity to share your experiences and projects with educators and professionals from all parts of the world.
Topics are e.g.:
Educational Software and Serious Games (Educational Software experiences// Experiences in Educational/Serious Games //Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia //3D Applications and Virtual Reality //Simulation and Remote Control// Videos for Learning (YouTube Generation) //Gaming Consoles as Learning Tools)
Technological Issues in Education E-learning (Mobile/Wireless Technologies (PDA, SmartPhones, etc) // Blended Learning // Web classroom applications // Online/Virtual Laboratories // Classroom and Laboratory: Integration // Managed Learning Environments (MLEs) // Learning Management Systems (LMS) // Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) // eLearning Standards (SCORM) // Technology-Enhanced Learning)
Computer Supported Collaborative Work (Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) // Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)// Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Blogs, Wikis ... // Experiences in Web Technologies in Education)
Virtual Universities (The internationalization of Universities // Experiences in Virtual Universities // Distance education)many more see:
The deadline for abstract submission is 1st of December 2009.
The abstract submission on-line form is available at: