On the basis of many years of experience with documentary theatre projects, Archa Theatre in Prague has decided to open an international summer school devoted to the methods and techniques of documentary theatre and theatre creation in the social context generally.
Theatrical creation has focused on topical social and political issues recently. Archa Theatre promotes artistic practices that have the courage to examine topical issues expressed in a specific theatrical language. Their International Summer School is a platform for experimentation and investigation in the field of contemporary theatre.
Issues they focus on:
- How is reality transformed into an artistic image?
- Which artistic disciplines serve this purpose?
- How can artistic activities influence social reality?
Who is welcome to apply:
- Everyone who is older than 18, is professionally involved in theatre or who wishes to be in the future
- Everyone who is interested in the methods of the collective creation / devised theatre
- Everyone who sees theatre as an expression of individuality on stage
- Everyone who is interested in the principles of documentary and social-specific theatre
- Everyone who sees theatre as a combination of artistic and technical disciplines
Applications should be submitted to: summerschool@archatheatre.cz
Application deadline: 30 April 2017
All information can be found in the attached document.