

hessische Film- und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.OG
63065 Offenbach am Main

069 830 460 41

Anfahrtsbeschreibung hier

Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Celina Schimmer (montags bis mittwochs) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (montags bis mittwochs) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (mittwochs) – dobrotka(at)

Sie erreichen uns montags bis donnerstags von 10 bis 16:30 Uhr.


[MAINRAUM] – Wissen Spezial: Building teams: A Rocket Science or Not?

Team success might be secured by creating a well-balanced team. In this workshop, we will learn how NASA builds their teams and balance the personalities in each team. We will also try to understand the personality types as NASA defined and use to create balance teams.
Termin und Ort:
24.05.2016, 17-21 Uhr
[MAINRAUM] – Gründerhaus für Kreativwirtschaft
Ostbahnhofstraße 15
60314 Frankfurt

Mehr erfahren

Team success might be secured by creating a well-balanced team. In this workshop, we will learn how NASA builds their teams and balance the personalities in each team. We will also try to understand the personality types as NASA defined and use to create balance teams.

Termin und Ort:

24.05.2016, 17-21 Uhr
[MAINRAUM] – Gründerhaus für Kreativwirtschaft
Ostbahnhofstraße 15
60314 Frankfurt
5.OG, Raum: Ostend
RMV: U6 Ostbahnhof Straßenbahn 11 Danzig

Fahri Akdemir Fahri Akdemir is a PM Soft Skills Trainer and the project manager of IPMA Coaching for Development. His professional and academic work are dedicated to his main curiosity: behavioural competences of the human in the project environment. He holds a BSc Degree in Systems Engineering and MSc Degree in Strategic Project Management. So far he has designed and facilitated workshops in 16 different countries. Now he is working on his Ph.D. research focused on leadership in dance projects as part of CrossCultural Complex Project Management Program in Germany. He is a member of German Project Management Association (GPM), honorary member of Project Management Association of Nep

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