The audio works „Tomorrow I’m alive“ of students of the Hochschule Darmstadt is being presented in the International Forest Art Festival Darmstadt (Internationales Waldkunstpfad-Festival “Kunst Natur Wandel”): as a Listening Path/Hörweg in an Augmented/Mixed Reality and Locative Media version, plus later, in mid-October as a 3D-audio environment.
The production is a text-sound composition relating to the Ukraine war. It develops around a woman‘s inner struggle between separation, trauma, denying/accepting reality and finally developing strength. The natural acoustic environment as well as a poem by Goethe provide her refuge, comfort, and perseverance.
“Tomorrow I’m alive” – AR/MR-Listening Path, Locative Media, with seven stations around the Goethe-Teich, Darmstadt Forest.
Place: Goetheteich (Goethe-Pond)
The piece will be accessible constantly until 23 October 2022. Please, bring your smartphone and good headphones.