

hessische Film- und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47, 2.OG
63065 Offenbach am Main

069 830 460 41

Anfahrtsbeschreibung hier

Prof. Rüdiger Pichler – info(at)

Celina Schimmer (montags bis mittwochs) – schimmer(at)
Marcela Hernández (montags bis mittwochs) - hernandez(at)
Csongor Dobrotka (mittwochs) – dobrotka(at)

Sie erreichen uns montags bis donnerstags von 10 bis 16:30 Uhr.


hFMA jetzt Mitglied bei NECS

NECS is a platform for exchange between scholars, archivists and programmers.
NECS was officially founded in Berlin on 10 and 11 February 2006. 1. It pursues
the following goals:
- To foster research in film and media studies,
- To support international exchange between scholars and archivists,
- To boost the diversity of teaching and researching and to further the cooperation of research...

Mehr erfahren

NECS is a platform for exchange between scholars, archivists and programmers.

NECS was officially founded in Berlin on 10 and 11 February 2006. 1. It pursues
the following goals:
- To foster research in film and media studies,
- To support international exchange between scholars and archivists,
- To boost the diversity of teaching and researching and to further the cooperation of research and archiving,
- To assist the next generation in film and media studies,
- To present the results of research in film and media studies to the public in conferences, seminars, workshops and publications.

NECS holds annual conferences in different places in Europe. NECS has several workgroups on topics like 'Affects and Audiovisual Cultures', 'Avant-garde(s) and new wave(s)', 'Digital Cinema' etc. Members are invited to join.

Download the Call for papers below (you need to register through Hessen Film and Media Academy)

You are invited to register as a member and to help the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies become a reality.

